Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 44 - (08/31) Portland, OR ... Day 6

Today was cool and overcast.  We had misting rain on and off throughout the day.

Dick went to Kenny and Barbara's house renovation project for a look-see.  It's quite an undertaking!  Kenny bought the top part from Concordia University, had it moved over a mile, jacked it up and built the lower floor section beneath.  He's building a duplex.
Wish we could have seen the move of the top section.

Jacob and Dick went to an Airstream dealer in Oregon City to ask about a door hinge repair.  We got good guidance from their tech.  They've been in business for about 4 months, have a large inventory and are selling a lot of units.  We were able to peek into many, shiny new ones ... and we like ours just fine, thank you.  Jacob did think the Bambi model fit him best.

Jacob, Anna, Carol and Dick lunched at Burgerville.  Guess what their specialty is?

We're planning a camping trip with Jacob and Anna on Thursday.  This was a good day to think through the meals and needed shopping.

Barbara prepared a nice dinner for us at Tim & Elizabeth's and we ended the day watching a few episodes of Family Affair from the mid-60s.

Note:  We're trying out a new editor and some different presentations for the blog.  Let me know if you see anything strange.

Map Tracks
None for today

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